Below is a list of committees and organizations our council members have been a part of. For further info, please contact the NBCGSS Council member directly here:

Md. Abdul Momen, President

  • Breakfast Meeting with the President’s Executive Council (PEC)
  • B .C. Graduate Scholarship program  committee with Geoff Payne, Interim VP Research, and Office of Research
  • Graduate Student Orientation committee  with Michelle Stephen of the Graduate Programs Office.
  •  Contract negotiation meetings with StudentCare, our health and dental insurance provider​​
  • Local 40, the union for hospitality workers in BC​

Sally Maeng, Vice President

  • Fees Committee as the NBCGSS Representative; attended every meeting
  • Space Allocation Committee as the NBCGSS Representative; unable to attend since December and asked council member, Audrey Faber, to attend in my absence
  • Contract negotiation meetings with StudentCare, our health and dental insurance provider

Chao Wang, Director of I.T. & Communications

  • Teaching Space Optimization Committee Meeting (TSOC) as NBCGSS Representative; attended every meeting
  • Executive Committee Meeting of the British Columbia Federation of Students (BCFS) as the Local 20 Representative; attended every meeting

Sahar Ebadzadsahraei, Director of Student Affairs

  • Currently not part of any committees
  • Meeting with several different sponsors for NBCGSS Coffeehouse events

Audrey Faber, CSAM Representative

  • CSAM College Council as NBCGSS Representative; regrets sent when not able to attend.
  • Space Allocation Committee as NBCGSS Representative; temporary place holder for VP; attended every meeting since December
  • Valedictorian Committee representing the NBCGSS council. Full attendance, with participation in 2018 and 2019
  • Hiring Committee (Director of Student Affairs) representing the NBCGSS council;  full attendance

Tsatia Adzich, Indigenous People Representative

  • Food Services Guiding Committee as NBCGSS Representative; attended every meeting

Parima Sattari, International Student Representative

  • Currently not part of any committees
  • Setting up meetings with UNBC’s International Office to address international graduate student needs