Welcome to the NBCGSS Reports page. This page provides a comprehensive overview of the reports detailing the projects, initiatives, and events we have completed. These reports reflect our commitment to transparency and offer insight into how NBCGSS has worked to enhance the graduate student experience at UNBC.
Goal Set Report
Goal Set Report
This report outlines the strategic goals established for the 2024-2025 period. Based on an internal survey conducted among the board of directors, this report reflects the key priorities identified for enhancing student life at UNBC. It highlights the collective vision of NBCGSS, aimed at addressing critical areas such as housing, career opportunities, and student welfare, with a commitment to fostering a supportive and vibrant community. This document serves as a roadmap for our efforts to improve the student experience, ensuring transparency and clear communication with our members.
Grad Lab Survey
Grad Lab Survey
This report presents the findings of a survey conducted by NBCGSS to assess graduate students’ awareness and use of the Graduate Computer Lab at UNBC. The survey, which gathered feedback from 70 graduate students, highlights both the demand for this dedicated space and the opportunities for improving its utilization. By analyzing the responses, NBCGSS aims to better understand student needs and enhance the lab’s functionality to support academic and research activities, ensuring the lab becomes a more accessible and valuable resource for the graduate student community.