Message from the Network Coordinator of the BC NEIHR:
My name is Tara and many of you know me from my former role as the IMN-PN Network Coordinator. I have now transitioned into my new role as the Network Coordinator for the BC Network Environment for Indigenous Health Research (BC NEIHR). The BC NEIHR is one of nine Indigenous-led networks across Canada that support research leadership among Indigenous (First Nations, Métis and Inuit) communities, collectives and organizations (ICCOs). This five-year NEIHR program also supports Indigenous student research and facilitates community-led research partnerships between ICCOs, students, researchers and organizations. To learn more about the proposed activities for the BC NEIHR, please read the attached Overview.
Currently, we are working remotely to get the BC NEIHR up and running. I am reaching out to you today to let you know that, as an Indigenous student or post-doc in BC, you may eligible for funding opportunities (e.g. scholarships and fellowships) as well as interested in other event or employment opportunities through the BC NEIHR. For administrative purposes, I have created a 2-page fillable Registration Survey that will only take a few minutes to complete. The purpose of the survey is to help us keep track of your information and better understand your interest/role in the BC NEIHR. If you are interested in registering with us, please take a moment to download the form and send the completed form back to me at Once registered, you will be notified via email about opportunities. You can also follow our recently created social media pages FB: @BC.NEIHR and Twitter: @ BCNEIHR.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns,