Job Title: International Transition Advisor–Graduate Student Position, International Office
Reports to: Aman Litt, AVP, EDI
Position: 2 part-time graduate student positions
Job Purpose:
The International Office at the University of Northern British Columbia is looking to hire two part-time graduate students as International Transition Advisors. We are seeking highly motivated graduate students who would like to provide support and resources for incoming and current international students transitioning to UNBC and Canada at large.
This will be a student support-focused position for an ambitious self-starter looking to provide current, relevant support and resources for incoming international students. The goal is to address the significant hurdles students face when arriving on campus and Canada and the best approaches to mitigate stress and feel supported during their initial days, weeks and months to become better integrated with the campus and community.
We are looking for someone with enthusiasm, resourcefulness and positive energy to support the International Office to ensure that students feel connected, supported and seen while transitioning to UNBC.
To be eligible, you must be a current international student in a graduate program and be enrolled during the Fall 2022 term.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Front-facing administrative responsibilities
➢ Answering phone calls, emails and in-person inquiries
➢ Providing UNBC and community services and resources to support international students in becoming connected with the community
➢ Redirecting and elevating inquiries to appropriate offices if/when needed - Providing students with the support in attaining the necessary documentation required while in Canada
➢ Where to get a driver’s licence, SIN, MSP, insurance and other government-required documents and licences
➢ How to apply for a study permit - Community-related supports for success
➢ How to open up a bank account
➢ Key Canadian and BC laws international students should be aware of
➢ How to access medical care
➢ Transportation in the city and the best ways to travel
➢ Support with finding accommodations and budgeting
➢ Groceries and amenities in the city
➢ Recreational and social opportunities and how to create a social network at UNBC
➢ Counselling and mental health services
➢ How to get involved in NUGGS, NBCGSS, student clubs and life on campus
➢ Information on scholarships and bursaries
➢ Information on Teaching Assistant positions and other on-campus - Developing and delivering a student orientation package
- Developing and delivering events for International Students on campus and within the community
➢ Reliable and punctual
➢ Excellent listening, verbal communication, and interpersonal skills
➢ Have access to a computer and a reliable internet connection
➢ Comfortable speaking and answering questions in front of a web camera
➢ Very familiar with UNBC services and the international student experience
➢ Comfortable talking about your own experiences and the adjustments you had to make when you came to UNBC
➢ Strong teamwork and problem-solving skills
➢ Able to take the initiative and work independently while meeting deadlines
➢ Enjoy working with people from different cultures and backgrounds
Salary: $22/hour, 20 hours per week
Location: Prince George Campus, UNBC
Qualifications: Current graduate student at UNBC
Start Date: As soon as possible
End Date: September 30th, 2022
If you are interested, please submit your resume to with the position title in the subject line. If you have any questions, please send them to this email address as well.
Contact Person/Supervisor:
Aman Litt, AVP, EDI, Office of Equity